Welcome to New Providence High School Athletic Registration

Click the icon below to begin

Athletic Team Registration


It is important that you complete the following steps in this order:


STEP 1 - CLICK ON THE "Athletic Team Registration" ICON ABOVE. MUST COMPLETE EVERY ATHLETIC SEASON. Complete the registration including all Health History Updates, Policy forms (concussion, sudden cardiac death, steroid testing, opioid use/misuse, etc.), Emergency Contact Information, and Athletic Permissions online.


STEP 2 - Physical Examination - ONCE EVERY 365 DAYS: Print out the physical examination paperwork (PPE) found HERE. (The packet is 6 pages) and bring it to your primary physician to complete. 

  1. Physical paperwork must be printed out (or picked up from the main office). All pages of this form must be completed. (Pages 1-2 (and 3 if applicable) are filled out by parents and student-athletes, pages 4-5 are filled out by your doctor and signed/stamped, and page 6 is completed by AFC Urgent Care). 

  2. After your physician* has completed the physical examination, please drop off pages 5 and 6 (completed ‘Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Medical Eligibility Form’ and blank ‘Parent Notification Letter’) of the PPE Packet to the school physician at AFC Urgent Care (1286 Springfield Avenue, New Providence, NJ (908-402-3338).  Your primary physician will keep the rest of the paperwork on file. 

*In accordance with the New Jersey State guidelines for athletic physicals, “Each student's medical examination shall be conducted at the medical home of the student (a healthcare provider chosen by the student's parent/guardian for the provision of healthcare). If a student does not have a medical home, the district shall provide this examination at an appropriately equipped facility. For the purpose of the sports physical examination only, students' parents may choose either the school physician or their own private physician. It is preferable to have the examination conducted by your private physician since he/she already has a baseline medical history of your child as well as a current immunization record. Additionally, should you choose the school physician to complete the physical, the fee will be $50 (charged by AFC URGENT CARE in New Providence). AFC will keep all pages of the paperwork in this instance.

  1. AFC urgent care will review, approve and upload the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Medical Eligibility Form and Parent Notification Letter to the R-school system.


STEP 3 - Other Health Information/Forms (IF APPLICABLE - ONCE EVERY 365 DAYS): If  your child has asthma, food/insect bite allergies that require an EpiPen, diabetes, or seizures, please submit the appropriate paperwork to the high school nurse via email: awright@npsdnj.org


Asthma: Asthma Treatment Plan

Individualized Healthcare Plan-Asthma

Allergies: Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan

Parent Authorization for EpiPen Administration

Individualized Healthcare Plan- Anaphylaxis

Diabetes: Physician Orders to Diabetes Management in School

Individualized Healthcare Plan- Diabetes

Seizures: Seizure Action Plan from physician

Individualized Healthcare Plan - Seizures


All students who self-carry an inhaler or EpiPen, must provide the appropriate paperwork to the nurse’s office per New Jersey State law. 


STEP 4 - Concussion Baseline - ONCE EVERY TWO YEARS: Complete an IMPACT concussion baseline test** (if first time athlete OR if it has been 2 years since your last IMPACT test). The instructions are found at: IMPACT instructions. **IMPACT tests are valid for two years.


FINAL STEP (EVERY SEASON): You will receive an email from the school nurse notifying you of final clearance or if any of the required items are missing. 


Important Date Information/Reminders

  1. Physical examinations are valid for 365 days from the date of the examination. 

  2. Physical examinations must be valid through the first day of practice for the season. NOTE: If any injury or illness did occur after the original physical was done, further medical clearance is required. If a concussion occurred, a Return to Play Form/Process must be completed.

  3. IMPACT tests are valid for two years.

  4. Asthma Treatment Plans, Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plans, Diabetes Management Orders and Seizure Actions Plans are valid for 1 year.


No student may participate (practice or play) in any sport until the above process is completed and you have received a confirmation email from one of our school nurses: Andrea Wright (awright@npsdnj.org) or Lauren Abbatemarco (labbatemarco@npsdnj.org)


If you have any questions, please contact the Athletic Office (Ext. 1355) or the Health Office (Ext. 1642)




(908) 402-3338


If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:

Vinny Carangelo - Athletic Director
Phone Number: 908-464-4700